Tag: eternal security

  • Dealing With Harmful Thoughts

    Dealing With Harmful Thoughts

    Artwork by Full of Eyes The audio and transcript below are from a sermon given to a group of men overcoming addictive behavior. This sermon discusses biblical methods for identifying and addressing harmful thoughts, which are common obstacles for those battling addiction, due to the consequences of previous bad choices or damaging experiences of the…

  • God’s Adoption of His People

    God’s Adoption of His People

    So how can we understand what it means to be adopted by God? I think that one of the best ways to understand this is by thinking about what does it mean to be an orphan? Because if we need to be adopted by God, then that means that before our adoption, that we were…

  • Romans 8:1-2: How Christ Rescues Us From Condemnation

    Romans 8:1-2: How Christ Rescues Us From Condemnation

    Sermon Audio: Romans 8:1-2 is one of the most powerful and reassuring summaries of the Gospel in the whole Bible. By examining these two verses, we can find immense encouragement about some of the astounding things Christ has done and is doing for His people who have put their faith and trust in Him. How…