Category: Baptism

  • Resources for Credobaptism (Believer’s Baptism)

    Resources for Credobaptism (Believer’s Baptism)

    Large works Free Paid Short works My writings Early Church resources for research only (These sources don’t necessarily support or deny credobaptism)

  • Why I Am A Baptist

    Why I Am A Baptist

    In recent years there has been a hesitancy with regard to having “Baptist” in the name of a church or to even label oneself as such. I deeply resonate with folks who feel this way. By the time I graduated from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS), I was very discouraged by some of what…

  • A Baptist rebuttal to Dr. R. Scott Clark’s 117-word explanation of paedobaptism

    Dr. Clark’s statement: The Abrahamic covenant is still in force. The administration of the Abrahamic covenant involved believers and their children (Gen 17). That’s why Peter said, “For the promise to you and to your children, and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God shall call” (Acts 2:39). That’s…